Behovet av el ökar snabbt – men brist på tillstånd bromsar vindkraftsutbyggnaden

Industrins klimatomställning kräver mycket el på kort tid och ökad inhemsk produktion minskar sårbarheten i osäkra tider. Trots detta var det första kvartalet 2022 på vindkraftmarknaden relativt svagt, med investeringsbeslut motsvarande 330 megawatt (MW), visar ny statistik från Svensk Vindenergi. Utfallet förklaras främst av brist på tillståndsgivna projekt i södra Sverige, där viljan att investeraContinue Reading

Proposal for reduced grid connection costs for offshore wind power

In line with earlier promises, the Swedish government this week announced a proposal to reduce electricity producers’ cost of connecting offshore power plants to the national electricity grid. The government’s proposal is to extend the national electricity grid to maritime areas where it is possible to connect several facilities. The grid expansion will take placeContinue Reading

Revised road map 2040: “Wind power – combating climate change and improving competitiveness”

Modern and sustainable technology has never been more important. The expansion of onshore and offshore wind power will play a central role in meeting the requirements of a competitive green transition in Sweden and its neighboring countries. The Swedish Wind Energy Association is now publishing an updated industry road map that aims to help decision-makersContinue Reading

Each new wind turbine installed in Europe generates €10m of economic activity

Wind energy is 300,000 jobs in Europe and contributes €37bn to EU GDP every year according to WindEurope’s new report: ‘Wind Energy and economic recovery in Europe – How wind energy will put communities at the heart of the European recovery”. European leadership in wind energy will continue to boost jobs and benefit communities. Delivering the National Energy and ClimateContinue Reading

New report: “The challenge and opportunity is electricity surplus “

The risk of both surpluses and deficits in power and energy in a 100 percent renewable electricity system can be managed with investments in infrastructure, energy storage and flexible electricity consumption, according to a new report by consulting firm DNV GL. The number of occasions with a large surplus on electricity production is significantly higherContinue Reading